On completion of this page you be able to:
. Describe distant computerized voice technology used in the automated office.
. Know the benefits of teleconferencing and computerized teleconferencing.
. Describe video conferencing.
Voice Technology
In the automated office, voice technology includes standard and centralized dictation, digital voice and teleconferencing.
Standard Dictation
Standard dictation is the recording of voice messages into a recording unit for trascription at a later time. In the automated office, transcription may involve entering the material into word processing or e-mail systems. In the future dictated message will probably be directly and automatically converted into finished products via an advanced word processing system. However, the technology to achieve this is only in the research stage at present.
Centralized Dictation
Centralized dictation is a system that can simultaneously receive dcattion from a number of locatios, each on a different recording unit. In large centralized systems, users can dial in from remote locatios an ddicatate by touching the appropriate touch-tone keys and then speaking into a device. Dication enhances the automated office by speeding the input information and by offering users an alternative way of entering information ino an office automation system.
Digital Voice
Digital voice is the recording of voice messages in digital form so that they can be stored in a memory device, like any other computerized data for future uses and multiple copies of voice messages can easily be produced and sent to a number of recipients.
Teleconferencing is the use of digital technology to hold conferences that exchange digital voice and/or written information carried out on computer systems and or communicating word processors linked together into network.
Teleconferencing refers to the meeting of people who are geographically separated but are all participating in discussions through a telecommunications system. The system uses two-way voice, thxt or video communication equipment to allow people to interact over wide distances in real time. A number of offices/organizations are using this method to conduct important meetings with their executives scattered all over a region. For instance, a hotel in US which has a chain of branches offers a network for teleconference service. Conference speakers can go to their local branch and participate in discussions with the speakers at other branches. Participate in the teleconference can, using either digital plotters or faesimile transmitters, literally pass papers back an dforth to one another as they talk, argue and debate the impotant poits.
Although there are certain obvious advantages in face-to-face meeting, teleconference offers a number of benefits.
. Cost of travel and stay of people is eliminated
. No time is lost in travel.
. No fatigue and no loss of energy
. Risk and uncertainty of public transport are avoided.
Computerized Teleconferencing
A computer based teleconference is referred to as computer teleconferencing. A computer conference can be seen as something halfway between a conventional conference and a rapidly published newslatter. The system can be used by hundreds of people at diverse geographical locations. Each particapant must have an access to a computer terminal connerted to hte conference network. Since the coference dialogue may be stored, it's not necessary for all participants to be on-line at their PCs or terminals at the same time. And, of course, it is also not necessary that they may be physically present at the same place. Instead, a person can sit at the terminal/workstaion at a convenient time during the day, call up any messages/conversations, respond to questions and then sign off. Several conference participants can "talk" at the same time. Once again, interruptions of other important work can be avoided.
The system has a database containing a large number of text messages. A message might be a letter or a conference entry and is entered by a member of the computer conference. Each member normally reads all that is written in the conference. He can freely write messages into the conference which are then made available to the lthr members of the conference.
The computer maintains a permanent history of all conference discussions. It therefore remembers which message each user has already seen. When a terminal is switchedon, it displays all the entries which have not been seen. The user can directly write his or her own comments and messages which will be stored in the conference database.
Computer conference networks are increasingly used in developed countries. Many private and government agencies offer membership on their networks. For example. New Jersey Institute of Technology in US provides conference facilities on their network called Electronic Information Exchange System. Subscribers are grouped topic-wise such as technology, economics, etc. A subscriber may belong to more than one group. Another system known as COM designed by Stockholm University in Sweden supports two languages, Swedish and English. The Swedish- languages system has more than 1000 subscribers taking part in various conferences. The English-languages has about 500 members from a dozen countries spread over three continents.
Computerized teleconferencing offers a number of advantages. Some of them are :
. A person can take part in many on-going conferences using much less time than for face-to face meetings.
. User can read and write at a time suitable to himself or herself.
. User need not wait for a sheduled time to take up a problem. He can communicate on any day or as and when a problem comes up.
. Messages are well prepared.
. Messages of less importance can be skipped.
.An issute or a problem could be addressed to a large groupd of people for their comments and suggestions. It is possible to consolidate the suggestions within a day or two.
. Since it does not involve any travel and stay, it not only saes money but also encourages even less interested people to participate.
.People with different mother-tongues find it casier to understand written messages than spoken ones. They can take theri time to read.
Applications of Computer Conference: There is a lot of scope for using computer connferences in government and business organizations. Typical applications could be:
. Periodie meettings of heads of branch offices or units of large organizations.
. Routine discussions among various government officials.
. Exchange of eperiences between experts in a particular topic of interest, say, energy, officeautomation, semiconductor technology, etc.
. Collecton of comments and ideas on a proposed new policy.
. Meetings of numerous comittees whose members are placed in different locations.
. Company sales conferences.
. Meetings of numerous committees whose members are placed in different locations.
. Company sales conferences.
. Flashing out an idea for reactions before staring serious discussions.
It is essential to note that the computer conference is not a replacement for all face-to-face meetings. Facial expressions and "body language" can convey important meanings that might be missing in computer conferencing. Further, certain tasks which might include complex negotiations and a series of question answer sessions require face-to-face meetings for fast and immediate decisions.
Computer conferencing permits people to participate at different times but an alternative to computer conferencing is videoconferencing - a term that refers to the electronic linking of geographically scattered people who are all participating at the same time. Facsimile devices, electronic blackboards that can cause chalk marking to be reproduced on distant TV monitors, desktop picture phones. These and other technologies allow people to meet at a common time and communicate over wide distances. Of course, there are advantages in face-to-face meetings that videoconferencing can not replace. Facial expressions and body language can convey, information that might be missed with videoconferencing. But time, energy, and money are saved when people do not have to travel long distances to attend a meeting.
Office automation technology today presents a variety of options to suit almost every organizational function. With the continuous reduction in processing and storage costs, office automation is expected to receive a major thrust in all organizations in the coming years. The availability of local area and public data networks will enhance the capabilities of office further and will improve the intra-organization communications. Word processing is by far the most widely used of technologies. Other more advanced and highly sophisticated office automation technologies include reprographcis, e-mail, facsimile transmission, micrographics and voice technologies. To date, firms that have availed themselves of these technologies tend to be either large, research intensive, or both. This is because of the enormous volume of usage required to make the investment cost-effective. As costs decline and the equipment becomes increasingly more versatile, these technologies will inevitably be adopted in smaller organizations and offices.
A study of 26 US firms in advanced office automation environments found that 93% of their employees, in a wide range of job categories used a computer and other automated technology on the job or expected to use in their near future. The study also found high levels of employee satisfaction with results of office automation.